Automatyka Przemysłowa S.J.
ul. M.Anielewicza 3/1b
59-220 Legnica
tel: +48 601 768 441
tel: +48 603 390 314Our company won an auction for the delivery and implementation of a complete automation system control for sorting machine organized by EPPO sp. o.o. in Wroclaw.
The system is designed to provide efficient and flowing control line for the unpacking of expired food, as well as the separation packages from organic material to its crushing and pulverization. The technological line will be located in Brzeg Dolny in Lower Silesia. The project is co-financed by the European Union within the framework of Measure 1.5 "Development of products and services for MŚP," Support for product innovation and process MŚP Regional Operational Programme for the Lower Silesia 2014-2020.